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Reading SEA
「觀看的一種方式:以攝影書與自出版閱讀東南亞」(閱讀東南亞)計畫(2019-ongoing)|A Way of Seeing: Reading Southeast Asia Through Photobook and Self-Publishing(Reading SEA) Project(2019-ongoing)
(RSEA 2020)
閱讀東南亞《觀看的一種方式:以攝影書與自出版閱讀東南亞(前導)》|Reading SEA A Way of seeing: Reading Southeast Asia through photobook and self-publishing (Prologue) (2020)
PHOTOS (Book Launch)《觀看的一種方式:以攝影書與自出版閱讀東南亞》 新書發表會照片紀錄|《A Way of Seeing:Reading SEA Photobook and Self-Publishing》Book Launch Photo Documentation
PHOTOS (Book Showcase)《觀看的一種方式:以攝影書與自出版閱讀東南亞》 選書展照片紀錄|《A Way of Seeing:Reading SEA Photobook and Self-Publishing》Book Showcase Photo Documentation
Key-VISION《觀看的一種方式:以攝影書與自出版閱讀東南亞 A Way of Seeing:Reading SEA Photobook and Self-Publishing》新書發表會 Book Launch 主視覺 Key Vision
Reading SEA prologue
新發表會簡介《觀看的一種方式:以攝影書與自出版閱讀東南亞》 新書發表會簡介(中文)|About 《A Way of Seeing:Reading SEA Photobook and Self-Publishing》 Book Launch (ZH)